Policy Projects
Policy Briefs
Five Page Policy Brief
This brief was created for a social work class as an exercise of in-depth policy analysis and policy advocacy. It discusses how the State of Michigan is being affected by limited anti-tobacco policies and how health outcomes could be improved through tobacco policy reform. More specifically, it focuses on the potential for a tobacco 21 policy, which would limit access of tobacco products to those over 21 years of age. It discusses the health impacts of tobacco in young adults and later in life, the benefits of tobacco reform, and the economic, social, and health impacts of this policy.
One Page Policy Brief
This brief was created for a social work class as an exercise to learn about social advocacy and policy analysis. It urges leadership from the National Association of Social Workers to advocate for a repeal of section 14(c) of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 which allows employers to pay sub-minimum wages to workers with disabilities. This outdated policy creates substandard employment opportunities for this population, which has been historically vulnerable, and results in income inequality, high poverty rates, and disparities in health outcomes when compared to non-disabled workers.
Policy Presentations
PROMESA Act Poster Presentation
As a result of Puerto Rico's ongoing economic recession, the United States Congress enacted the Puerto Rico Oversight, Management, and Economic Stability Act (PROMESA) in 2016 as an effort to get the island to pay its 74 billion dollar debt. This act created a board of seven members appointed by the President of the United States and one ex officio member designated by the Governor of Puerto Rico who are tasked with approving the island's Government Fiscal Plan and providing recommendations on how to achieve economic growth. The board has presented policies to cut public spending, but has opted for disinvestment in healthcare, social services, and public education.
Following this, Puerto Rico was devastated by Hurricane Maria in September of 2017, resulting in 2975 deaths and a plethora of social and public health concerns. Most of these outcomes are attributed to weakened infrastructure, existing health vulnerabilities of the population, delays in medical care, and a crippling healthcare system.
As Puerto Rico seeks to recover from this catastrophic event and achieve economic growth, this poster presentation discusses how the PROMESA act might be hindering the U.S. Territory's post-hurricane recovery.