Practice-based projects

Grant Proposals

Grant Proposal.pdf

Michigan Health Endowment Fund Grant App.

Grant application prepared for the Michigan Health Endowment Fund's Healthy Communities Special Projects in the total amount of $98,090.28. This application was prepared as part of a Program Development in Public Health Class in which we partnered with a community-based agency to prepare a grant application based on the needs of their service population. We worked with a nonprofit organization in Detroit who was in need of expansion of their services and provided support in developing a new program and a grant application. 

NIH Grant Proposal - Disasters and Older Adults.pdf

National Institutes of Health Grant App.

Grant application prepared for the National Institutes of Health R01 grant for a research project studying the mental health impacts of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico among older adults in the island. This grant was developed for a class in Behavioral Research Methods in the School of Public Health and is the result of a group effort to address ongoing public health concerns in Puerto Rico following the 2017 Hurricane Season. This application includes the Specific Aims, Significance, Innovation, and Approach sections of an NIH-R01 grant proposal.

Behavioral and Community-based Interventions

Community Engagement Infographic

Infographic Peer Supported Housing .pdf

Community Engagement Strategy

Community Engagement Peer Supported Housing.pdf

Rich Map Narrative

Rich Map Narrative.docx

Rich Map on Substance Misuse and Housing Insecurity in Milwaukee 

Rich Map.pdf


Video Lecture on Social Ecological Theory